Teaching Patterning in Kindergarten and First Grade

It's time to teach Patterning!  So, what exactly are patterns?

Patterns repeat.  It can be shapes, objects, colours, numbers, actions, or even sounds.  Patterns follow a specific arrangement or sequence called a pattern rule.

Let's take a look at some fun patterning activities you can try with your students!

Identifying Patterns

The most basic repeating pattern is an AB pattern.  There are only 2 elements that repeat.

Here are some examples:

In the first pattern COLOUR is the attribute that is changing.  In the second pattern SHAPE is the attribute that is changing.

After students understand AB patterns, you can introduce ABC, ABBC, AABB patterns, and more!

Activity #1:

Look for patterns around the classroom and the school.  See how many different kinds of patterns students can find!

Activity #2:

Follow up with some worksheets where students decide whether or not each row is a pattern.  You can grab these FREE Patterning Worksheets for some independent practice!

patterning worksheets


Activity #3:

Set up a math center with task cards where students can identify patterns.  You can use cards that have already been made (like the one below) or you can create your own patterns for students to complete.

patterning task cards

Creating Patterns

Activity #1:

Students can string beads using different colors to make a necklace or a bracelet.  Have them explain their pattern and the rule it is following.

Activity #2:

Students can cut out shapes (premade outlines if necessary) and glue them into a row on a blank paper to create their own patterns.

Extending Patterns

Activity #1:

Give students premade patterns made from connecting cubes or colored blocks.  Have them add the next few cubes to extend the patterns.

Activity #2:

Use Pattern Blocks.  Give students strips with patterns on them that can be completed using one of the shapes in your Patterning Block Kit.

extending patterns with pattern blocks


Many of these activities can be found in my online store.

I have several freebies as well as a few math units.  Check them out here!